How to maintain Holiday spirit this year!

As we all know, this year was far from expected. I know when I was bringing in the New Year, this was not what I was toasting to! The Holidays have turned from gathering around the living room with friends and family laughing over holiday memories to spiked eggnog on the couch in your holiday pajamas on Facetime. As long as we can stay positive, we will all get through this together!
Keep in touch with your friends and family!

Even though it may have to be over zoom or Facetime, staying in touch with your friends and family over the holiday season is so important! Next time Netflix asks you “Are you still watching?”, its time to pause your favorite show and get some human contact- give grandma a call! Another way to spend all of the free time that we now have, is to zoom chat with your friends and just spend time together- you can just have a snack and talk about how you have been spending your free time or all follow the same cookie recipe together and see who’s comes out best!
Movie Night!
Whether you have roommates that you have been quarantining with or if it’s just with your dog, nothing gets you in the holiday spirit like a classic holiday movie! Put on those Christmas pajamas, order some Chinese delivery, and throw on your favorite Holiday movie! My favorite is Home Alone, what’s yours?
Treat yourself by baking something sweet!
Who knows when you will be back on a public beach forced to wear a swim suit, eat another cookie with no shame! Putting on a holiday sound track and baking cookies is a tradition I know most people have taken part of over the years, why stop now? Even if you are not known as the Betty Crocker of the family, there has never been a more perfect time to learn something new. Next year you can surprise the family with a new recipe you mastered!
Practice Self-Care!
Along with all the warm, fuzzy feelings the holidays bring, we are vulnerable to being overwhelmed…typically, it’s all of the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and more, it can take a toll on our emotional health. Even though we aren’t dealing with the same stress factors this year, this year has been nothing short of a toll on everyone’s mental health. Don’t forget to take care of you! Ensure you are taking the time to de-stress and let go of that built-up tension. Run yourself a bubble bath and open a good book! Whether it’s five minutes or two hours, it all helps.
It’s time to focus on the positives this time of year and really think about all of the things we still have to be grateful for! Focus on the good, next year will be much better! We will get through this together, enjoy the Holidays- we all deserve it!